
Empower your members to eliminate debt

The only solution that automates flexible debt payoff and savings,  eliminates financial duress, and improves overall health and wellness.


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Debt Payoff Automation Tools: A wecome addition to the CBA

Your member’s debt is likely at an all time high, forcing them to take hardship withdrawals from their 401K and delaying retirement. 

Education programs are not the answer.


A Modern platform that holistically addresses financial wellness

Loan Debt Repayment Automation

Put mortgage, auto, student, and personal loan payments on autopilot

Budget Friendly Payment Scheduling

Split large, single payment into 2, 3, 4, or 5 automated debits

Credit Card Payoff

Live, 1:1 payoff planning sessions with a debt specialist to build an automatd credit card pay off plan

Negotiate Lower Bills &
Cancel Unused Subscriptions

Concierge service identitifies opportunities to save on utility bills Recapture money wasted on unwanted or unused monthly subscriptions.

Round Up Savings

Rounding up everyday transactions to the nearest whole dollar or a predefined amount. Money can be directed toward debt paydown, or financial goals.

Loan Payoff Accelaration

Paydown loans faster and savel money in interest fees

Tangible benefits

Retirement Preparedness

Financial wellness programs can assist members in preparing for retirement, ensuring they have the financial security and resources needed to enjoy their retirement years.

Negotiation Leverage

Including financial wellness benefits in CBA's can be a valuable bargaining chip for unions. Employers may be more inclined to agree to other demands or concessions when unions offer comprehensive benefits that address the broader well-being of their members.

Enrollment is Always Open

Negotiate to add the benefit prior to the next CBA negotiation

Competitive Advantage

Unions that negotiate financial wellness benefits may attract new members and maintain a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining workers in other industries.

Suitable for All Members

Your members are suffering in silence. 8 out of 10 people live paycheck to paycheck. This is not age or tenure specific.

Ready to discuss financial wellness benefits?

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