How to Create a Financial Wellness Program That Works

You’ve heard the buzz about financial wellness programs, right? Everyone’s talking about how they can slash employee stress, jack up productivity, and keep your top talent from jumping ship. But here’s the thing: not all financial wellness programs are created equal. It’s time to talk about how to create a financial wellness program that works!

Some are like a lifeboat with a hole in it – they might keep you afloat for a bit, but sooner or later, you’re going to sink. Others are like a luxury yacht – they’ve got all the bells and whistles, but they cost a fortune and only benefit a select few.

So, how do you create a financial wellness program that actually works? One that gives your employees the tools and support they need to take control of their finances, without breaking the bank? Well, buckle up, because I’m about to show you.

What Is a Financial Wellness Program and Why Is It Important?

You’ve probably heard of physical wellness programs, but what about financial wellness programs? These comprehensive packages are designed to help employees improve their financial health and well-being.

Financial wellness is all about having a healthy relationship with money. It means feeling in control of your finances, meeting your current obligations, and having the freedom to make choices that allow you to enjoy life.

Definition of Financial Wellness

At its core, financial wellness is about achieving a state of financial well-being. This includes being able to:

  • Cover monthly expenses
  • Save for emergencies and future goals
  • Manage debt effectively
  • Plan for retirement
  • Protect against financial risks

When employees have a handle on their finances, they experience less stress and are better able to focus on their work.

Benefits for Employees

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re on track financially. That’s what a good financial wellness program can provide for employees.

By participating in these programs, employees can gain the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their financial lives. This might include learning how to create a budget, save for the future, or pay off debt.

78% of employees say they would feel more secure at work if their employer offered financial wellness benefits.


Benefits for Employers

It’s not just employees who benefit from financial wellness programs. Employers have a lot to gain as well.

When employees are struggling with financial stress, it can lead to decreased productivity, higher absenteeism, and even health issues. In fact, PwC’s 2022 Employee Financial Wellness Survey found that 35% of employees are distracted by finances at work.

By offering financial wellness benefits, employers can help alleviate some of this stress and create a more engaged, productive workforce. Plus, it shows employees that their company cares about their overall well-being.

Assessing Your Employees’ Financial Wellness Needs

Before implementing a financial wellness program, it’s important to understand your employees’ unique needs and challenges. After all, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works when it comes to personal finances.

Conducting Employee Surveys

One of the best ways to gauge your employees’ financial wellness is through surveys. These can be anonymous to encourage honest responses.

Some key questions to ask might include:

  • How stressed do you feel about your financial situation?
  • What are your biggest financial concerns?
  • Which financial topics would you like to learn more about?
  • How can our company better support your financial well-being?

Holding Focus Groups

In addition to surveys, consider holding focus groups with a diverse range of employees. This can provide valuable qualitative insights into their financial challenges and goals.

Analyzing Data

Finally, take a look at your existing data. Are there patterns in 401(k) loans or hardship withdrawals? High levels of absenteeism or turnover?

These could all be signs of financial stress among your workforce. By analyzing this data, you can identify areas where employees may need additional support.

Key Components of a Comprehensive Financial Wellness Program

Once you’ve assessed your employees’ needs, it’s time to start building out your financial wellness program. To be truly effective, it should be comprehensive, addressing a range of financial topics and needs.

Retirement Planning Assistance

For many employees, retirement planning is a top financial concern. Yet 55% of Americans say they are behind on their retirement savings goals.

Offering resources and guidance around 401(k)s, IRAs, and other retirement vehicles can help employees feel more prepared for their future.

Student Loan Repayment Options

Student loan debt is a major burden for many employees, especially younger workers. In fact, borrowers under 35 owe an average of $39,256 in student loans.

Providing information on repayment options, loan forgiveness programs, and even employer-sponsored repayment assistance can make a big difference.

Budgeting and Savings Tools

At the foundation of financial wellness is the ability to manage day-to-day finances. Yet many employees struggle with budgeting and saving.

Offering tools and resources to help employees track their spending, build emergency funds, and save for goals can empower them to take control.

Access to Financial Professionals

Sometimes employees need personalized guidance to navigate their unique financial situations. Providing access to financial coaches or advisors can give them the expert support they need.

62% of employees say they would participate in a financial wellness program if offered.

– PwC

Implementing Your Financial Wellness Program

You’ve assessed your employees’ needs and designed a comprehensive program. Now it’s time to put it into action. But how do you get employees to actually participate and engage?

Communicating Program Benefits

The first step is making sure employees are aware of the financial wellness resources available to them. This means clear, consistent communication across multiple channels.

Highlight the benefits of participating, such as reduced financial stress, increased retirement readiness, and improved overall well-being.

Offering Educational Workshops

Hands-on workshops can be a great way to engage employees in financial learning. Cover topics like budgeting, debt management, and investing basics.

Consider bringing in outside experts to lead these sessions and provide employees with actionable tips they can implement right away.

Providing Online Resources

Make it easy for employees to access financial wellness resources on their own time. Create an online hub with articles, videos, calculators, and other tools they can explore.

You might also consider offering virtual coaching or webinars for employees who prefer to learn remotely.

Encouraging Employee Participation

Finally, find ways to incentivize participation in your financial wellness program. This could include:

  • Offering rewards or prizes for completing certain milestones
  • Providing paid time off to attend financial workshops
  • Contributing to employee emergency savings funds or student loan repayment

The key is to make financial wellness a priority and create a culture that supports employees in their journey.

Measuring the Success of Your Financial Wellness Program

Implementing a financial wellness program is a significant investment. So how do you know if it’s actually working? Measuring success is crucial for securing ongoing support and resources.

Tracking Employee Participation

Start by tracking basic metrics like program enrollment, workshop attendance, and online resource usage. This will give you a sense of overall engagement.

You can also survey employees to gauge their satisfaction with the program and gather feedback for improvement.

Assessing Financial Stress Levels

Ultimately, the goal of a financial wellness program is to reduce employee financial stress. Conduct regular surveys to assess stress levels and track progress over time.

Look for correlations between program participation and stress reduction to demonstrate the impact.

Measuring Productivity and Retention

Financial stress can take a toll on work performance and lead to turnover. Track metrics like absenteeism, productivity, and retention rates to see if there are improvements as employees engage with the program.

Even small changes, like fewer 401(k) loans or increased retirement plan participation, can signal that the program is making a difference.

Calculating ROI

Finally, try to put a dollar amount to the impact of your financial wellness program. Estimate the cost savings from reduced turnover or the productivity gains from decreased absenteeism.

This will help justify the continued investment in employee financial well-being.

Employers who measure the success of their financial wellness programs are 2x more likely to report improved employee retention and engagement.

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Best Practices for Maintaining a Successful Financial Wellness Program

Congratulations, you’ve launched a financial wellness program. But the work doesn’t stop there. To truly support employees’ financial well-being, you need to continuously assess and adapt.

Regularly Reviewing Program Effectiveness

Set a cadence for regularly reviewing the metrics and feedback from your financial wellness program. Identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

This might include offering new topics, changing the format of workshops, or providing additional resources.

Adapting to Changing Employee Needs

As your workforce evolves, so will their financial needs and challenges. Make sure to regularly survey employees and gather input on what they need most.

For example, during the pandemic, many employers shifted their focus to emergency savings and budgeting. Be ready to pivot as circumstances change.

Partnering with Reputable Providers

Financial wellness programs often involve partnering with outside providers, such as financial advisors, loan servicers, or EAP programs.

Vet potential partners carefully and look for those with a proven track record of supporting employee financial well-being.

Ensuring Leadership Support

For a financial wellness program to be successful, it needs buy-in from leadership at the highest levels. Engage key stakeholders early and often, sharing the impact the program has on employees and the organization.

When leaders are bought in, it sets the tone for the entire company and helps embed financial wellness into the culture.

84% of employers say financial wellness will be an important benefits offering going forward.

– Employee Benefit Research Institute

Promoting employee financial wellness is an ongoing journey, not a one-time initiative. By continually assessing, adapting, and improving your program, you can empower employees to take control of their financial lives – and that’s a win for everyone.

FAQs in Relation to How to Create a Financial Wellness Program

How do you structure a wellness program?

Start by assessing employee needs through surveys. Then, tailor activities and resources to meet those needs. Finally, measure results and adjust.

What are 3 key elements of a successful wellness program?

A successful program must be engaging, accessible, and continuously evolving based on feedback and outcomes.

What should be included in a wellness program?

Include mental health support, fitness challenges, nutritional advice, financial planning help, and regular health screenings.

What are some examples of financial wellness?

Savings growth, manageable debt levels, emergency fund building, and confident retirement planning mark financial well-being.


Creating a financial wellness program that works isn’t rocket science, but it does take some know-how and elbow grease. By assessing your employees’ needs, crafting a comprehensive program, and getting buy-in from the top down, you can give your team the tools they need to take control of their finances and crush their goals.

Remember, a happy, financially-savvy workforce is a productive workforce. So don’t just sit there – get out there and make it happen! Your employees (and your bottom line) will thank you.

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