AI Glossary of Terms: From Artificial Neural Networks to Responsible AI

AI Glossary of Terms

In today’s tech-driven world, “AI Glossary of Terms” has become more important than ever before. It seems like everywhere you turn, artificial intelligence is seeping into conversations. Whether you’re attending industry events, browsing LinkedIn, or even just catching up with colleagues, chances are you’ve encountered some bewildering AI jargon. Having trouble deciphering AI lingo? A clear and concise Glossary of Terms is your lifeline, turning uncertainty into confidence.

A Deep Dive into Common AI Terms

Understanding AI can feel like learning a new language. To make it easier, let’s break down some common but often confusing AI terminology.

People sometimes use the terms Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Intelligence, and Automated Intelligence interchangeably. But they aren’t the same.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is the big idea that machines can be smart like humans. At the core, they’re engineered to simulate human intellect, whether that means acquiring knowledge, overcoming hurdles, or making Executive-level decisions – the lines are blurring fast. Think of AI as the overall concept of making computers think for themselves.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

An artificial neural network, or ANN, takes inspiration from the brain’s network of neurons. From a sea of seemingly unrelated data points, it manages to pick out a fragile yet palpable thread of connection. An ANN uses interconnected nodes, like the neurons in our brains. Each connection between nodes has a weight. This connection’s strength is revealed in its weight. During learning, the ANN adjusts these weights based on the data it receives. What we’re after is a set of weights that frees our network to generate predictions with swagger, unphased by unfamiliar data it’s never seen before.

Augmented Intelligence

Augmented Intelligence is like giving a helping hand to humans. With AI on our side, our abilities are elevated, our workflow streamlined, and our performance pumped up. What we get is a more finely tuned operation, where every decision is backed by solid data and a whole lot of brainpower. Having a brilliant wingman by your side can transform the way you work – efficiency skyrockets and those pesky mistakes almost disappear.

Automated Intelligence

Automated intelligence is about automating tasks that usually require human intelligence.   Think of things that follow a set of rules.  It’s the difference between fighting fires and preventing them in the first place. While humans concentrate on visionary work, automated intelligence takes care of the routine tasks that used to eat away at their time. 

Relying on gut instincts or raw intelligence isn’t enough; solid safety measures provide the bedrock for machine learning to truly take off. Building such safeguards require a multidisciplinary effort and human-centered approach to drive the field forward. 


AI learns from the data we give it. So if the data is flawed, the AI’s decisions might be flawed too. Imagine training an AI to evaluate loan applications. If we only use data from a certain type of borrower, the AI might unfairly reject others.

Cognitive Map

A cognitive map in artificial intelligence (AI) is kind of like a map in your brain, but for a computer.  Imagine AI as a mental cartographer – it creates maps of how different things relate and then uses those maps to guide its decisions and actions.  Envision threads of connection weaving together notions, theories, and actual places you’ve been.  That’s what a cognitive map does for AI.  This lets it make smarter decisions based on the information it “remembers.” 

Conversational AI

Conversational AI is a type of artificial intelligence that lets computers communicate like humans.  Imagine you’re texting a company about a question you have.  But instead of a human answering, it’s a computer program.   If the conversation feels natural, like you’re talking to a real person, that’s probably conversational AI. 

Two powerful forces – natural language processing and machine learning – join forces to bring this innovative technology to life.   NLP helps the AI understand what you’re saying, even if you don’t use perfect grammar.  Each time someone talks to the AI, it gets a little smarter, fine-tuning its responses to make them more relevant and engaging.  

Deep Learning (DL)

DL is a sophisticated form of ML.  Picture a system that replicates the incredible workings of a human brain, decoding and adapting in the same intelligent ways. 

Their brains are modeled after ours, only electronic – we call these systems artificial neural networks.  They’re capable of learning and adapting from unstructured and unlabeled data, just like our brains do.  With DL working behind the scenes, self-driving cars can process a blur of images, differentiate danger from safety, and bank, brake, or accelerate with precision. 

In essence, deep learning is an advanced application of neural networks that leverages very deep (multi-layered) neural network architectures to solve complex problems. What sets deep learning apart is its rich, dense network architecture – a feature that traditional neural networks simply can’t match.

Key points about the relationship between deep learning and neural networks:

  • Deep learning is a subset or subfield of machine learning that uses neural networks with multiple layers (typically more than 3 layers).
  • Neural networks form the backbone or foundation of deep learning algorithms. Artificial neural networks with multiple layers do the heavy lifting in deep learning.
  • The “deep” in deep learning refers to the depth (number of layers) in the neural network. A neural network with more than 3 layers (including input and output) is considered a deep learning model.
  • Deep learning neural networks gain their remarkable ability to map complex relationships from their carefully crafted internal architecture. Sandwiched between input and output, a multitude of hidden layers do the heavy lifting.
  • Deep learning is all about scale: you need vast amounts of data and seriously powerful computing resources to even get started. And the end goal? Train all those complex neural network layers to work in harmony.
  • While neural networks can be relatively simple, deep learning neural networks are more complex with many more layers and parameters.
  • Deep learning is able to automatically learn hierarchical features from data, whereas simpler neural networks may require more manual feature engineering.

Emotion AI (aka Affective Computing) 

Emotion AI is an interesting type of artificial intelligence.   With a perceptiveness that’s uncannily human, it dissects and interprets our emotional responses.  Imagine a computer that can tell if you’re happy, sad, or angry just by looking at your face or listening to your vocal inflections. Emotion AI’s core concept is simplicity itself.  

But Emotion AI isn’t just about recognizing emotions.  What’s the emotional toll of a particular event or situation? With this, you can begin to grasp the answer and get a better sense of the emotions that swirl around it and adjust marketing messages or troubleshoot the issues that make consumers unhappy. 

Explainable AI/Explainability 

We’ve long been curious about the AI decision-making process, and now Explainable AI offers a clear understanding of the “why.”  

With explainable AI, lenders can get insights into why the system might have flagged a particular application as high-risk.  With a clear grasp of the AI’s assessment, lenders can do their due diligence, taking into account every variable to arrive at a well-rounded decision. 

Generative AI

What’s commonly known as generative AI is actually a form of artificial intelligence that can craft and generate. In recent years, this tech has come a long way, giving rise to exciting opportunities. 

This AI discipline blows the lid off what’s possible by crafting fresh, never-before-seen content, such as code, images, audio, and even videos – a far cry from just deciphering existing data.  

A staggering forecast has pegged the annual global economic impact at a whopping $4.4 trillion. Two potent forces – deep learning and reinforcement learning – join forces in generative AI, breathing life into brand-new content.


Sometimes AI systems get things wrong. It happens. When this happens in generative AI, it’s called a hallucination. A growing concern with AI is that, all too often, it’s simply throwing out wild guesses in response to our questions.

Hallucinations happen because AI systems still don’t fully understand the world the way we do. Massive datasets feed their learning, but practical know-how and a dash of street smarts are scarce.

Insight Engines

An insight engine helps people get information from tons of data. Think of it like a really smart search bar for your business. Whether you’re exploring a new project or troubleshooting an old one, this genius tech fetches answers from across your digital terrain – think emails, documents, and databases – using plain old everyday language.

Here’s how an insight engine is different from just doing a regular search:

  • It understands you: Instead of just looking for keywords, an insight engine gets what you’re really asking.
  • This is where the magic happens – all the scattered pieces finally click into place. In an instant, it bridges the gaps between discrete data points, painting a vibrant picture of how everything fits together.
  • It learns and grows: The more you use it, the better it gets at finding what you need.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Think of LLMs as highly advanced NLP models.  With oceans of data at their disposal, deep learning algorithms are masters at producing writing that’s remarkably similar to what humans would come up with – in tone, in style, and in substance. 

Machine Learning (ML) 

A subset of AI, ML algorithms enable systems to learn from data without explicit programming.  Steadily sifting through an avalanche of data, these algorithms zero in on promising leads, translate number patterns into wise foresight, and reliably rev up their performance over the long haul. 

NLG (aka Natural Language Generation) 

NLG is a way of saying ‘AI that writes.’  This clever technology spins raw data into words that appearremarkably human-like.  Think of those times you got an email that sounded like a real person wrote it, not a robot—that’s probably NLG in action. 

Businesses stand to gain a lot by leveraging automation for tasks like product descriptions and report creation – it gives their people the breathing room to zero in on what really matters. 

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

This is what helps machines understand and process human language. NLP is behind why we can communicate so effortlessly with virtual assistants or use online translators.

Computers can now decipher, absorb, and even reproduce text that’s eerily similar to what humans write. By analyzing language patterns, NLP is flipping the script on traditional keyword research, Revolutionizing the SEO game in the process. NLP tech zeroes in on what people really mean when they search, so you get ridiculously accurate keyword results.

PEMT (aka Post-Edit Machine Translation)

You might know this as PEMT, or maybe you’ve heard it called post-editing machine translation. Technology meets human intuition in the PEMT process, which expertly bridges language gaps. It starts with machine translation (MT), where a computer program does the initial translation. But, since machines can’t quite grasp all the nuances of language like humans do, a human editor steps in to refine the text.

MT lays down the foundation, and the human editor comes in to perfect it. They smooth out any clunky phrasing, make sure the meaning is crystal clear, and ensure the tone and style are spot-on for the target audience. So, you get the speed of machine translation with the accuracy and natural flow of a human translator.

Pretrained Model

A pretrained model is like a head start for AI. Imagine teaching a child about dogs. You show them pictures, tell them about breeds, and how to pet them nicely. Now, the child has a good base understanding.

That’s what a pretrained model is – an AI that’s already learned quite a bit of information. Developers train these models on tons of data, like mountains of text or images. Sorting signal from noise, the AI develops a rich understanding of how things fit together, one insight at a time. But instead of starting from scratch, you can grab a pretrained model and teach it new tricks relevant to your needs.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is similar to writing the perfect search engine question. The interface between humans and artificial intelligence is transforming, and it all begins with our words. But instead of typing a question, we give it directions – or prompts. The better the prompt, the better the answer.

For example, if you want an image of a cat wearing a hat, a simple prompt is “cat wearing a hat.” But a better prompt is, “photorealistic image of a fluffy Persian cat wearing a tiny top hat, sitting on a velvet cushion.”

This is important because in the worlds of artificial intelligence , augmented intelligence , and automated intelligence , we use prompts to train and use AI. It’s like teaching it a new language – the language of getting things done.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

You can think of a Recurrent Neural Network as a neural network with a memory, able to tap into previous events to inform its decisions. 

RNNs are a special breed of AI that can wrap their digital heads around sequences of data – think sentences made up of individual words. RNNs have a built-in “memory.” This lets them remember important information from previous parts of the sequence and use it to make better predictions about what comes next.

Responsible AI

Responsible AI refers to the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems in a manner that is ethical, transparent, fair, and accountable. Building trust in AI means keeping it aligned with what matters most to humans – fairness, equality, and accountability – to avoid serious missteps.

Responsible AI frameworks typically emphasize principles like fairness, transparency, privacy, security, and accountability to guide organizations in creating AI systems that are beneficial for society as a whole


AI Glossary of Terms can equip us with the understanding we need in today’s rapidly evolving tech world. Without a common tongue, we’re lost in translation – a single language can switch on the lightbulb of understanding and collaboration.

As artificial intelligence evolves, one thing is for certain—it’s going to continue shaping the future, one algorithm at a time. Having a solid grasp of the terminology used within this realm is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity.

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