For Benefits Brokers

Automated debt elimination as a benefit

Differentiated solution automates flexible debt payoff and savings, eliminates financial duress, and improves overall health and wellness.

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Financial Wellness: A Must-Have Employee Benefit

Lunch & Learn programs are not the answer to employee financial health.

Provide clients with a unique, holistic that combines Automated Tools with White Glove individual service.


Enrollment is Always Open

Employees can enroll and make updates at any time.

Rapid Implementation

Does not require technology resources.

Address Evolving Needs

Debt impacts all employees, regardless of age or tenure.

Boost Employee Satisfaction

When employees are more financially secure, they tend to be happier and more satisfied with their employers.

Employer Benefits

Recapture Lost Productivity

Financially stressed employees are often less productive due to distractions and absenteeism.

Reduce Healthcare Costs

There is a direct correlation between financial stress and health issues. By addressing financial well-being, employers can potentially reduce healthcare costs and improve the overall health of their workforce.

Offer a Competitive Benefits Package

Financial wellness programs add value to an organization's benefits package, making it more attractive to current and potential employees.

Increase Job Satisfaction

Employees appreciate employers who care about their financial well-being. Financial wellness programs can boost job satisfaction and morale.

Ready to discuss financial wellness benefits?

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